Where to go?

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Where to go?

Postby gruffergreen » 08 Dec 2013 16:12

Can any of you guys out there point me the right direction, I am now retired "thank xxxx for that" having spent far too long bending copper I now have real time to indulge in the one true sport. I intend to take up BA and Bath tabs and hunt for Chub and if lucky Barbel. Question is being mobile where do I start, as I almost cried, (no) I cried, when reading reports of diminished stocks at Claverton etc. Please help as I know being fisherman you have hearts. Incidentally I have witnessed an otter take a 3lb sea trout/grilse from a devon river almost under my rod tip.
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Re: Where to go?

Postby runhunt » 09 Dec 2013 10:38

hello gruffer,
welcome, still a fair few chub about.. still a few at limpley stoke, and still a few further up stream as well, not sure about claverton as dont venture that far down, but i dont think its that great anymore?, but if anyone else can give us a claverton report?. there used to be a nice head of chub around salford free stretch, but not sure anymore? again we'll need help for someone to let us know?
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Re: Where to go?

Postby gruffergreen » 09 Dec 2013 13:23

Thanks runhunt, sort of made up my mind to travel further upstream anyway, looks to me Alm has some cracking stretches there, just to add, I wander if the lack of fisherman has contributed to the decline in Barbel stocks around Bath, sometimes I wander? after all Mr Barbus is not a indigenous species to the Avon and if you dont feed em they'll bugger off, simple as that, especially with the explosion of armchair/bivvy fishing.Personally I dont think there is any comparison between river and lake, spent so many hours chest high in roaring waters to think different. No doubt you lot out there have scratched your plates trying to sort out this problem but I think it may have been confirmed in a statement made on Bathampton website, we have a superb river to fish, so for christ sake fish it.
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Re: Where to go?

Postby barbeldave » 09 Dec 2013 19:26

Ive fished the Bristol Avon since the early 80s and have seen many changes happen over the years, but the latest devastation of the barbel stocks is simply caused by one apex predator that has been released in far to many numbers by idiots that have no consideration for others at all, in no way have there numbers dwindled simply because its being fished less although barbus is not native to the Bristol Avon it was first stocked in 1954 at stokeford bridge limply stoke with barbel that were taken from the river Enbourne a tributary of the Kennet.
Regards Dave
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Re: Where to go?

Postby J50NHR » 09 Dec 2013 20:14

No way would the Barbel just move because there is no bait going in. There is an abundance of natural food present in the BA to keep barbel going. All the times I have fish the BA there have been other anglers present whether it be weekend or weekday the BA gets hammered. As a predominant Carp angler, i decided to spend this winter on the river to get away from the crowded Oxfordshire pits for a while, and was surprised by the number of fellow anglers! I agree with Dave the decline in barbel numbers is due to otters. (As everyone i have spoken to has mentioned), but am a firm believer that poaching is a contributing factor as i have seen evidence on both rivers and well know Carp lakes!
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Re: Where to go?

Postby runhunt » 09 Dec 2013 21:47

hi, yes agree theres too many big brown mink that got released by well intended ( but plain wrong) bright spark environmentalists, allegedly!
i am one though who hasnt seen many anglers this year and when I have been, I have had whole stretches to myself, be it weekday or a weekend, sometimes having 1 to 2 miles of water to my whole self! which would never have happened two to three years ago, it was a rush to the water for silly o'clock start.
i think there are still fish to be had, i think a member watched a chap catch loads of chub on the waggler last year when legered baits didnt get a touch.
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Re: Where to go?

Postby gruffergreen » 10 Dec 2013 02:43

Didnt mean to open a can of worms bout barbel stocks or lack of em, and do agree that otters especially in hungry numbers can cause havoc, as mentioned in my first mail, ive seen it, but now retired I have walked the Avon a lot recently around Limpley-Claverton etc and seen virtually no one fishing, although I admit mostly weekdays. My point is, is it the chicken or the egg, fisheries like the royalty or throop have stocks reliant on feed, without it those stocks would crash. The hampshire avon has stocks of barbel sure but not like the royalty where food is persistent and plentiful, hence well fed numbers.I just believe there is more in this than may meet the eye, although I also see that introducing large numbers of predators into rivers just because they make good television is truly irresponsible and destructive.
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Re: Where to go?

Postby runhunt » 11 Dec 2013 10:31

dont worry gruffer the can got opened a couple of years ago :D :D
just enjoy the fishing and surroundings 8-)

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Re: Where to go?

Postby J50NHR » 11 Dec 2013 17:34

Blimey paul not seeing another angler in 1-2 miles, what streches you fishing? Seems iv had it bad then. Iv had anglers set up within 10 yards of where i am fishing and had to move as they cut me off from where i was casting to!

The age old bedate will go on for years to come as whats caused the barbel stocks to decrease. I for sure am a firm believer that poaching and otters are to blame.
Tight lines all
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Re: Where to go?

Postby barbeldave » 11 Dec 2013 19:03

Your obviously fishing the wrong sections of the Ba :lol: where I fish I never see anyone not even in June or July, long may it continue peace and tranquility :D :D
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